Elementary & Middle School

The school day for Grades 1 – 8 is from 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Our academic program at St. Peter’s Lutheran School is taught using traditional textbooks as well as by using technology. The Bible is our defining truth for all of our curriculum.  Students in Grades 3 – 8 are issued chromebooks to use at school. Teachers use the chromebooks for research, writing, and reinforcement. Homework is considered a part of the learning process.  


Our elementary classes are Grades 1-5. Each grade is made of a single classroom. Class sizes range from 16 – 24 students. Students are with their homeroom teacher much of the day.  

Middle School:  

The Middle School is Grades 6-8.  These students have a homeroom teacher for Bible. The students move between four teachers for math, science, language arts, history, P.E., and computer.